Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.

So time has been whizzing by at this crazy-fast, accelerating speed in 2012... and suddenly, out of nowhere, we only have 5 days left until we begin our 90-day backpacking trip/homestay in Iceland!!

I have never, ever, ever been more excited about anything in my entire life.

Lots of people have asked us the same question since we bought our plane tickets two months ago: "Why Iceland?" Yeah, it's a completely random place to visit, but every facet of this place is freakin' beautiful!! WHy not!?

Watch this video, and maybe it will help you understand why we were guided to go here, and why we are SO STOKED about it.

We don't have much of an "itinerary" for this trip. Spontaneity is the key to our traveling; learning to let go, go with the flow, and trusting that the universe has super-magical things in store for us behind every door we open is the main idea.

Our rudimentary plan for this trip: We will be landing at the international airport in Keflavik (a town 40 miles outside of Reykjavik) around 7:00 am on July 24. We have already arranged to couchsurf with a lovely family in Keflavik for the first two nights. The Blue Lagoon is in Keflavik, so we will definitely be spending one of our days there. The third day is when we will begin our big trek. The first 3 weeks of our trip will be spent hitchhiking 386 km to the most northernly city in the country, Akureyri. While on the road, we plan on couch-surfing and camping out in our tent everynight. Hostels aren't really our thing, and we're looking forward to spending lots of quality time with good ol' mother nurture. We hope to make it to Akureyri by August 10, which is when we've arranged to begin our home stay with an amazing family that we found through the organization helpx.  The family has invited us to stay with them for 2 months; they have an Icelandic horse farm, which we will be in charge of tending to in exchange for meals and a room to stay in.

We are not bringing much "stuff" with us on this trip: one backpack each, a tent, a sleeping bag, some blankets, some food, and lots of thick, fuzzy socks.

Our main goals and aspirations for this trip include: to live in the moment, to live simply and minimally, to camp underneath the northern lights and the midnight sun as often as we can, to connect with the people of Iceland and their culture, to spend as much time as possible visiting the many natural wonders of this country (volcanoes, geysers, waterfalls, glaciers, mountains, etc) and to befriend an elf...

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